FACTORY MANAGEMENT HOME 技術資料室 技術用語 ========================================== ![]() TARGET or VISION of the factory must be clearly described and understood by all workers as well as office staff through frequent communication and visual information. All the workers as well as office staff must be united and concentrate their power toward this TARGET. That is just like soccer game where every player is united and play to make a goal. ![]() Big difference between soccer game and factory management is that factory management requires strong leadership to lead every worker toward the TARGET. And the TRGET must be always revised and updated
2.Step-up of the TARGET TARGET must be upgraded step by step starting from easier one. ![]() Safety has always the highest priority; however, it is deeply connected with the 2nd step of Clean-up Campaign (5S). So these two steps should be promoted simultaneously. 3.Safety @Find out dangerous places and behavior periodically by Safety team. ADescribe clearly and show graphically these dangerous parts or places. BSurround dangerous places or devices with fence not to be touched or approached CWork uniform must be standardized and illustrated to be able for workers to check themselves. DHelmet is indispensable to protect the most vital part of the human body against any particles from crane or ceiling, such as bolts or nuts. ELeather gloves should be put on to handle the steel sheets. FSafety shoes are indispensable to protect the toes from any falling objects. GIllustrate the process of improvements on safety HStandardize the safety operation for each line and illustrate them to the operators 4.Clean-up Campaign (“Five S”) Clean-up Campaign (“Five S”) aims to change the workplace from disordered state to well-ordered one through simple and visible activities. By promoting this campaign, not only the work area but the mind and behavior of the working people become well-ordered and positive. When the working people take pride in their work and workplace it can lead to greater job satisfaction and higher productivity. Moreover, clean and tidy factories are generally thought to be able to produce good and reliable products. It is recommended to start with rather easier TARGET such as 3S out of 5S, to give workers a sense of achievement in a short time by confirming the result visually.
@Sorting Keep only what is necessary in work area and in order. Eliminate or discard items that are not used frequently, leaving only the tools and materials necessary to perform daily activities. Don’t keep things around just because they might be used, someday. It makes it easier to find the necessary things for the job done and frees up additional space. ASetting in order Organize, arrange and identify everything in a work area. Each tool, part, supply, piece of equipment, everything should be placed in the decided place which should be close to where it is used. ![]() Put shadows on tool boards and labels to cabinets or shelves making it easy to quickly see where each tool or thing belongs. BRegular Cleaning Keep the work area tidy and organized. At the end of each shift or operation, work area shall be cleaned, checking that everything is stored to its place. A key point that cleaning operation should be part of the daily work, not an occasional activity initiated when work area get messy. Don’t allow litter, scrap, rag, paper etc., to land on the floor in the first place. 5.Quality Control @Specifications of each order required by the customers must be strictly observed. AInspection must be carried out by skilled inspector. BStrip thickness must be measured by micrometer and width by calipers or steel tape rule, and off gage must be rejected. CInspection results must be recorded. DLimit sample for each defect must be prepared to keep the accuracy of surface inspection. EThe cause of each defect must be studied and countermeasures must be taken. FClaim from the customers must be studied quickly to find out the cause and the countermeasures to avoid recurrence. These studied results should be explained to the customers. GThese procedures of PDCA concerning defects and claims should be recorded in official documents which must be checked periodically by QC leader if these procedures are surely executed. HQC Check List as below should be documented for each line and explained to the operators.
6.Productivity and Data Logging @Productivity determines the production cost at the factory. So real time grasp of tons per hour and work ratio is required. AProductivity data Those figures in the diagram below should be recorded to be able to analyze to improve productivity. ![]() (Definition of the terms above)
Work Ratio=(3)/(6)or (1) /(6) in case the actual operated time (1) can be recorded automatically =========================================== HOME 技術資料室 安全管理 技術用語 |